Monday, November 21, 2011

My New Best Friend


   Oh the joys I've found in baking soda the past few months! It all started with a not so white bathtub.. I was totally grossed out by the tub and well just kind of avoiding it all together since it meant hours of scrubbing my life away lol.  But one afternoon I had enough!! I just got the tub wet and poured the baking soda all over.. scrubbed for about 10 minutes.. and TA-DA!! Wow, that darn tub didn't even look that clean when we moved in! Now I can enjoy my showers and not worry about leaving the doors closed on the tub =)
    So since the baking soda totally cleaned the gross bathtub, I bought it into the kitchen... One random fact about me is that while my husband is away, the two things I want to eat more than anything in the world are: chocolate and bacon.. yes yes I know.. lol ... So the only bad thing about cooking bacon is the greasy pan that you have afterwords, YUCKY! It makes your washcloth and sink all greasy too.. never a fun clean up.. UNTIL>>> baking soda saved the day!!! I hardly had to use any dish washing soap and my water was only luke warm, What a money saver! I also cleaned the oven with a baking soda paste, keep a small cup in the back of the fridge to eliminate weird odors, and sprinkled some in the bottom of the kitchen trash can to keep the smell down as well.
   Now to the living room.. stinky carpet.. yes we've all been there! I just sprinkled baking soda on the rug, let it sit for awhile, and vacuumed it up! Its so amazing how it takes the smell away =) So those are just a few ways I've used baking soda in my house, I know there are many, MANY other ways to used it around the house. So check it out.. instead of bleaching the toilet or using a very smelly chemical cleaner on the gross bathtub.. BAKING SODA!!! You'll never go back =)

Friday, November 4, 2011


   Now that we are heading into November already, I found myself looking back on this last year and reminding myself of all that I have to be thankful for. Even though its been a year of separation, financial struggles, and learning the hard way, I have many things to be thankful about. First of all for my husband.. though this is our second year of marriage, it has been the first year we have lived under the same roof! But we have grown more in love and learned so much together.. and boy has it been fun! =)

Second, I'm thankful for the blessing of a beautiful garden this year! I had no idea when I planted those little seeds in the spring how big they would grow by the end of the summer. I really can't take any credit for it.. Just watered and picked =)

Third, I'm thankful for my sweet little kitty cats! =) They keep my company on those lonely nights and always make me smile... even when their naughty! lol

Those are just a few things I wanted to share today.. I'm thankful for each day of life, the sun coming out, and the One who made it all.